Box 4 Fire BUFF Association, Inc.

A non-profit volunteer organization serving Dallas Fire-Rescue and area agencies since 1963

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Box 4 In the News

Box 4 Non-Profit Seeks Funds for New Truck

See video here...


Dallas Public Safety Committee Briefing

August 5, 2016 - Firefighter Physical Rehab at Emergencies "Box 4". See agenda and accompanying slideshow presentation here...

Salvation Army Press Release

July 8, 2016 - Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Units have provided meals, drinks and refreshments throughout the night and early hours to law enforcement personnel and firefighters following the shooting in downtown Dallas.

At approximately 9 pm on Thursday, July 7, an unknown number of shooters began firing at police who were working security at a peaceful protest in downtown Dallas, wounding 12 officers, five fatally.

At the request of the Dallas Fire Department The Salvation Army Box 4 Canteen, operated by retired firefighters [sic] was deployed and arrived on the scene at 10 pm. This unit was moved several times throughout the incident to best serve responders. In addition to providing hydration services and snacks, the custom design of this unit also offers bathroom facilities to first responders. The Box 4 team continued to serve until 7 am when they were relieved by The Salvation Army Tarrant County/Lancaster disaster response team. Read more...

[sic] note: Box 4 volunteers are not necessarily retired firefighters. Many volunteers have family or loved ones who serve(d) in public safety while others are fire and/or police enthusiasts.

The Salvation Army Box 4 Canteen Responds to Gas Leak in Downtown Dallas

March 19, 2015 - At approximately 5:48 PM on Thursday, February 27, 2015, Box 4, a quick response Salvation Army Canteen, was requested by Dallas Fire-Rescue to respond to a natural gas leak at a high-rise building in downtown Dallas. Box 4 was invited to eat dinner with Dallas Fire Station 34 in Pleasant Grove at 6:30 PM, where they would also conduct their regularly scheduled monthly business meeting, when they received the call to respond. According to Wally Banks, The Salvation Army Liaison Committee Chairman for Box 4, “business always takes precedence over pleasure.” Both of their rehab units and twenty one Box 4 members responded to the incident. Read more...

American Medical Response Donates Decommissioned Ambulance to Dallas Fire Rescue

Oct 14, 2014 - We were happy to donate a decommissioned AMR ambulance to Box 4 Firebuffs, a volunteer organization that supports Dallas-area firefighters by providing on-scene rehab services. AMR’s Joe Huffman, Shane Smith and Kevin Tipton attended a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the newly refurbished ambulance, along with Mansfield, TX Mayor David Cook and representatives from Dallas Fire Rescue, Box 4 and Service King Collision Repair Centers. Special thanks to Service King for their donations in overhauling the vehicle!

D Magazine Article

November 1982 - When the still of a Dallas night is broken by the wail of fire engines, 16 men who share a peculiar hobby cannot roll over and go back to sleep. The Box 4 Fire Buffs Associates, a tightknit group of Dallas professional men with a passion for firefight-ing, serve as a volunteer backup force to Dallas firemen. Working out of one supply truck called the Central Canteen, they set up camp at the scene of almost every multiple-alarm fire in Dallas -of which there are approximately 200 each year. Supplying food, water, Gatorade and restroom facilities, they help to keep the firefighters fighting. In winter, they furnish a portable heater. When difficult fires rage for several hours, the boys of Box 4 head out to Burger King and bring back provisions. Read more...



Proud Member of the
International Fire Buff
International Fire Buff Association   Copyright 2019
Box 4 Fire Buff
Association, Inc.
PO Box is 181914, Dallas TX 75218