We currently serve out of a customized rehab vehicle that was placed in service in 2003. Always rising to the occasion like a champion, this canteen has served firefighters in Dallas and surrounding cities on hot days and cold nights. Unfortunately, it has far exceeded its life expectancy and a replacement is needed.
A new canteen is required to continue providing rehabilitation services to fire fighters, police and other first responders just as Box 4 Volunteers have been doing since 1963 - almost 55 years! Like most International Fire Buff Association members across the globe, the canteen is an integral part of our operations. It's the big truck all the first responders go to for rehydrating drinks and snacks, chairs for resting tired feet, damp towels to wash off the soot and grime, and to feel a cool breeze in the summer with our mister fans or to get warmed up by our portable gas heaters.
The estimated cost for a replacement rehab unit is around $315,000. The Salvation Army - owner of the current unit, allowing Box 4 volunteers to operate - is putting forth fund raising efforts for the new unit. Box 4 is supporting their efforts through our GoFundMe page, seeking donations that will go toward the new canteen.
Box 4 is a 501(c)(3); non-profit organization which means your contribution is tax deductible!
2. Contribute through PayPal by using the link below. Please enter "New Canteen" in the comments section so we will know to put your contribution to the fund raising efforts for a new set of wheels!
Every little bit helps and we thank you in advance for your generous gift!